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Monday, February 8, 2010

Holy Roller girl BATMAN!

Meet Talula Skoolya.... or Tammy.

One of Wilmingtons Cape Fear Roller Girls. 

Hooray for Hot Derby Chicks... RIGHT??

Instead of getting BBQ's fired up and finishing off our second bowl of Queso dip, Tammy and I did a boudoir shoot.  Which is, quite frankly much more entertaining. 

I encourage every one to get out and watch the Cape Fear Roller Girls in action. It's about the best fun you can have, without doing a boudoir shoot!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The first post

So here we are, the first post of my site dedicated to the "other stuff" as many of my clients call it.

Don't worry, it's good to be shy. I truly believe, IN ALL THINGS, that it is important to be only yourself.

This is really important when we strip away all the comfort layers, all the way down, until it's only you. If you aren't outgoing and bubbly we definitely won't be able to create that.

Be yourself, beautiful, wonderful you.

Stripped away of all your layers. Will you be shy? Most likely. Nervous? Probably. Uncomfortable? Not for long. Empowered? YES

Give of yourself. To yourself as a memoir to who you were. To your lover who delights in all of you.

Let's make memories of the really special, secretive, romantic kind.